Inspiair to talk about what needs to be talked about….
What makes a great conversation? What is a required conversation? I know this differs for everyone. I have been thinking and trying to appreciate deep, meaningful, and many times difficult conversations that seem to be fleeting in our society. I have one of those topics to discuss, Divorce.
I spoke with one of my very best friends today, he was not inspiaired today, or for many of the last days that have transitioned into weeks. He, and I went through divorces as the same time and have had many tough/difficult conversations. We are much alike, so I feel I can empathize and sympathize with him in this difficult time. When I initially started this web page, one of my hopes was to use it as a pay it forward site. For those who have gone through divorce, a site to reach out and talk to someone familiar with the difficulties. To help a person un-inspired. The pay it forward concept would be; if you needed someone to talk to, this site would provide that service, but in return you must then volunteer to talk to another person in the future who reaches out. That unfortunately did not come to fruition because of difficult programing issues and liabilities. I am concerned that today many people are suffering, and many people are suffering alone. I would like to be equally open to males and females talking. I know from a male standpoint, to open up, share thoughts and confide in another is extremely hard. Societal norms make males feel weak if emotions are shown, emasculating a vulnerable person leading to further mental struggle. To be strong, stoic, push through tough times is inherent to many. I do believe facing a challenge, learning, and improving is the essence of life. Some relationships (things) don’t work out, that is how the universe works. But, if one gives their best effort and does not achieve the goal, there is a time to absorb and reflect on the situation, and how to move on productively. I certainly don’t have all (many) of the answers, but talking in a productive way is a start. So lets talk.