Be Inspiaired to Think About How You Think
Early in life, there are many influences that shape our thought processes. We see the world through the glasses we wear. How often do we think about if we are wearing the correct glasses? Pygmalian Effect – how our perceptions are embedded. We should look at the lens through which we see the world, as well as at the world we see, and that the lens itself shapes how we interpret the world. Our morals, ethics and character are personal traits that we should not waver easily with situations or popularity. But, sometimes a Paradign Shift, looking at how you see a situation differently, may be beneficial. To be open to others opinions, seeking to understand, and even adjust our beliefs, I think is extremely important to our self improvement. Even if we don’t agree, is a benefit to understand why we agree to disagree. Priniciple centered thinking to try to understand apart from the emotion of the situation and from other factors that would act on you, and evaluate the options. We are our own individual self, having our own thought, beliefs and desires; what makes us unique. With this thought in mind, this is exactly why we should respect others individuality. We can all learn something from every single person we meet, we just have to be willing to see to learn.