Be Inspiaired to set some parameters:
I have been inspiaired more and more to learn what makes a relationship last, and last with happiness. Relationships can and are almost always hard at some point(s). In these hard times, when it is easy to say something that really hurts, (and will last a long time, maybe forever), that cannot be taken back – maybe prior to this happening, parameters/boundaries can be set and understood. I term I like to use is, Fair Fighting. Disagreement and arguments will happen, but to have a respect for the other in this time is ever so important. Making sure our personal agenda(s) are not bigger than the relationship. Reminding ourself to seek to understand the other side first, then be understood; and even more importantly, finding compromise so both parties’ benefit will ultimately help a relationship stay healthy and wholesome. And to understand it is OK if a resolution is not immediate. To be able to work through “touchy” situations with high emotional intelligence seems to be the key to allowing relationships to thrive in the long run. Once demeaning attitudes, disrespect for the other occurs, eroding of the relationship follows and this cycle only seems to worsen. A conscious effort to think about the stimulus, to pause and not respond with immediate emotion, will allow the conversation to have calmness and give clarity to the situation, and each other. I am inspiaired to find that person that agrees with me, to have challenging conversation to grow together, and to experience a happy long-lasting relationship.