Stoa de Inspiair (Blog)

Here we can have stimulating discussions about any topic that is going to improve life. The premise stems from the ancient stoic philosophy that was taught from a stoa (porch). The rules are no antagonizing, no prejudices, only positive, constructive, thoughtful talk from the heart to inspiair all. Take a deep breath, here you go!

August 22, 2024

Blog #13

Inspiair to have sound character, then reputation, which in turn will be mutually beneficial. PMA, positive mental attitude. That attitude will only make any situation better. Maybe not perfect, but better. One very important component of PMA, is having sound character.
March 25, 2024

Blog #12

Inspiair to have sound character, then reputation, which in turn will be mutually beneficial. PMA, positive mental attitude. That attitude will only make any situation better. Maybe not perfect, but better. One very important component of PMA, is having sound character.
March 20, 2024

Blog #11

Inspiair yourself. The mind has amazing capabilities for both positive and negative thoughts. What our mind focuses on tends to manifest into our lives. Though outside influences can contribute to enhancing our thoughts and efforts, it is our inner self that determines our motivations and inspiaration(s).
February 26, 2024

Blog #10

Be Inspiaired to set some parameters: I have been inspiaired more and more to learn what makes a relationship last, and last with happiness. Relationships can and are almost always hard at some point(s).
February 19, 2024

Blog #9

Early in life, there are many influences that shape our thought processes. We see the world through the glasses we wear. How often do we think about if we are wearing the correct glasses? Pygmalian Effect – how our perceptions are embedded.
January 18, 2024

Blog #8

What makes a great conversation? What is a required conversation? I know this differs for everyone. I have been thinking and trying to appreciate deep, meaningful, and many times difficult conversations that seem to be fleeting in our society. I have one of those topics to discuss, Divorce.
July 17, 2023

Blog #7

Life universally presents many challenging situations. The world keeps spinning, day turns to night, and what was the presents becomes the past. When a challenging situation presents itself, which it does to everyone, how we respond many times determines our mental outcome, which in turn influences the physical outcome.
April 17, 2023

Blog #6

What will inspire you in life to have meaning and fulfillment? A purpose. A destination that our compass points to, direction. Even with the best of plans, there will be many times we have to adjust, re-direct, maybe even take a break – to get where we want to go. Without direction it is easy to wonder of course, small seemingly trivial changes can lead to a significant change in destination.
March 20, 2023

Blog #5

Most of us, if not all of us, have had the thought, “What if”. I would image many times this “what if” is in reference to a reflective thought, maybe wishing we would have gone through with the “what if”. Or “what if” you could go back in time and change some event, occurrence. But what if we changed the narrative at this instant, not asking a question but giving a statement. The mentality that from this moment on, what if I __________.
December 12, 2022

Blog #4

Inspiair, one person at a time. It is amazing to look at all the people around us, yet know potentially nothing about them. Everyone has a story, maybe instead of telling ourself a narrative about others, we should try to learn the true story, then our conclusion(s) will be accurate. Take a second (or two), take a breath, and talk with (not to) a stranger, they may not be so strange after all.
November 2, 2022

Blog #3

Mantra 1. 1. (originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation. "a mantra is given to a trainee meditator when his teacher initiates him" 2. 2. a statement or slogan repeated frequently. "the environmental mantra that energy has for too long been too cheap"
June 22, 2022

Blog #2

The first thing we do upon birth is take a breath, Inspire. The breath gives us life, and from that moment on is part of us, every 6-8 seconds typically, around 22,000 time a day, more than eight million breaths per year. Inspiring and expiring, most of the time involuntarily and unrecognized.
May 3, 2022

First Post

My first ”Blog” on this site. My first Blog, ever. I hope to share some inspiairation, and I hope to gain some inspirairation equally in return.

One Breath (One Person) At a Time