1. 1.
(originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.
"a mantra is given to a trainee meditator when his teacher initiates him"
2. 2.
a statement or slogan repeated frequently.
"the environmental mantra that energy has for too long been too cheap"
Words are profound, they have meaning. How we use words can have a dramatic effect on our psyche. I have no training in Hinduism or Buddhism but found myself using a mantra in the recent past. I was fortunate enough to participate in an event, 29029. This event is put on 4-5 times a year where a participant chooses to ascent 29,029 vertical feet (the height of Mount Everest) on a ski slope. My event happened to be at Stratton Valley Resort, Vermont. 17 ascents, with each ascent I tried to repeat a different mantra, to help bring some clarity and peace in “difficult” times. Each step I would say the word or sentence. Many times repeating my children’s names, or thanking my family for coming to support me at this event, they inspiair me, no better food for the heart. I also noticed my breath, allowing each breath to inspiair the goodness of the moment, to inspiair me to keep going. In many ways the breath became the mantra, repeating itself and talking to me, slower, faster, deeper, and shallower - knowing as long as I was breathing, I was making progress. Now that the event is over, I still find myself noticing the breath, closing my eyes in quite times and remembering how the event gave me an opportunity to learn more about myself. Life can present us with many challenges, some chosen voluntarily, some never expected. I hope everyone can look within to find a positive mental attitude in these times, relying on words , people, or images to overcome these moments. Know that if you are trying your best, be inpiaired by yourself, and know you inspiair me as well.
Thank you,